Robin Teller Pueblo Nights Storyteller


Robin Teller created this beautiful “Pueblo Nights” storyteller with 23 children, 38 stars, 3 pottery bowls and drum with rattles. Her shawl is decorated with dark sky with stars, mesa with sand hills on foreground with rising moon, female and two children gazing at the moon. The piece measures 7″ by 7″

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Robin Teller created this beautiful “Pueblo Nights” storyteller with 23 children, 38 stars, 3 pottery bowls and drum with rattles. Her shawl is decorated with dark sky with stars, mesa with sand hills on foreground with rising moon, female and two children gazing at the moon. The piece measures 7″ by 7″

“Pueblo Nights” – by Robin Teller – Marie K. Velardez – Isleta Pueblo, NM

The Pueblo Nights theme came to me on a night when I was at a loss for inspiration. Sitting outside, praying, watching an unbelievably breath taking sunset, my attention was captured by a sky of pink, gold, and apricot that melted away into turquoise, then a blue blanket of color which ever so smoothly turned darker blue into night. As the stars began to pop into twinkles of lights, big and small, my imagination was kicked into play. “Pueblo Nights” represents my offering to the creator as an expression of my love of children and joy for the blessings of daily life.

Symbolic of the female, the central figure represents our spiritual mother from which we draw strength, love and support for the things we do. Her arms are supporting the children in the bowl as they offer the stars to the heavens. She quietly tells the story of the night and all the while as they work there is soft, gentle drum and rattle music for the heart and soul.

Have you ever looked in a child’s eyes? Each child no matter what their circumstances always manages to generate that light of hope and imagination,through their love of life. With this thought, she holds a bowl of life on her lap where the smallest child is stirring together the ingredients of love, hope, and inspiration to create the brilliant stars above.

When the stars are made they are passed down directly to be cleaned in the water bowl being held up by one child at her left foot. The stars are washed and passed to the child behind them to be shined to perfection.

The child with the blanket of stars passes the bright finished stars to the one with the blanket who places them on the blanket, prays and sends them out in flight to find their rightful places. The other child on the left interior wall of the shawl chooses to place them very carefully instead.The two on the right arm area are seeking approval on their accomplishments and asking her to kiss them.

The child supporting the wash bowl on its back is representative of the burden we all carry on our struggles of daily life and the child kneeling on her left arm is looking/praying to the heavens for answers and guidance. The shawl is painted with the night sky in Isleta Pueblo. The dark, star studded sky and hills receive a graceful kiss if light from the moon the mother and children gaze at the mystery and beauty. Everyone counts and everyone has a purpose.